Friday 19 July 2013

Do You Believe In Magic?

Well Hello There Film Fans! ♥

I recently went to see the new film "Now You See Me". I must say I enjoyed it very much. I must point out that I quite like magic and tricks anyway, which may mean I enjoyed the film more than your average cinema goer (and definitely more that the "I know how they did that" cynics). It is still however a film I would recommend even to the most cynical.

A good cast with Isla Fisher and Jesse Eisenberger representing the younger generation and Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Woody Harleson batting for the older guys. Also starring Mark Ruffalo who is somewhere in between the aforementioned generations. First I must point out that both Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman have very small roles, so if you're planning to see it as a fan, don't be fooled.
An interesting casting was Morgan Freeman's part, as he plays, let's not say the bad guy, but someone who you don't really like much. Out of the comfort zone of the nice guy who everyone likes with the cool voice. Caine also plays someone, to whom the audience do not become attached to. Although he is well known for playing the lovable butler Alfred in the "Dark Knight" Series, he has played some less appealing roles, but still a slightly surprising casting. Don't mistake this for a criticism however because both play their parts as well as any other part they've played. Ruffallo pulls of a superb performance and although it's a close call, I would go as far as to say that his was the best performance, with Fisher, Eisenberger, Caine and Morgan all following equally closely behind, as well as the not quite so well known Dave Franco & Mélanie Laurent.

Let's move onto the plot. A relatively easy idea made into a very exciting and not so simple film. I enjoyed this film very much and that's partly due to the twists that seem to be waiting around every corner. Another reason that I enjoyed this so much, was because be it the director or the producer, someone was leaving very subtle clues throughout the film and if you like a brainteaser then you'll enjoy this one. It gives you just enough to want to keep looking for the answer without giving anything away. Four magicians pulled together by some unknown character and called the four horsemen. The reason? we don't know yet, but in their final show, a year after they all met in a mysterious manner, they ask an audience member to help them rob a bank. This is obviously a cause for speculation and the FBI inevitably get involved,which is where Ruffalo comes in, giving a fantastic performance as FBI agent Dylan Rhodes. Freeman's character is weaved in cleverly here. He plays an "Ex-Magician" who exposes other magicians in his own television show. The FBI obviously need his help and therefore reluctantly hire him to expose the horsemen. Again there's an unexpected twist here, so keep your eyes peeled.
The Four Horsemen
  • Jesse Eisenberg as J. Daniel Atlas (The Lovers), a street Magician
  • Woody Harrelson as Merritt McKinney (The Hermit), a Mentalist
  • Isla Fisher as Henley Reeves (The High Priestess), an Escape artist
  • Dave Franco as Jack Wilder (Death), a street Magician
 The use of Tarot cards is very clever here and really ties in well with the plot. It really leaves you asking questions, particularly the Death card, received by JackWilder. That's a very important part, but you won't necessarily understand why until you've watched the entire film.

Again for the romantics out there, there are 2 very thin love stories so don't panic!

There is major use of symbolism in this film and at the end it all seems to tie up and you end up going back through scenes and remember things that meant nothing at the time. Which makes it all the more fun.

My only criticism of this film is that there are a few questions that are seemingly left unclear or unanswered. The question you have to ask here is "Is this a directorial technique?" Is the director leaving you on the edge of your seat even after the film is finished. Perhaps. The fact that the overall storyline is solved by the end is the main thing and you will feel satisfied, even if you do feel a little confused.

Definitely would recommend this and would give it 4 Stars ☆☆☆☆

That's All Folks


Now you don't?

Monday 10 June 2013

The Magnificent Seven...

What's Happening Film Fans?

It's been a few weeks since I blogged, tut tut, but I'm back to give you a little slice of one of my favourite films. The Magnificent Seven is a western loosely based on the Japanese film "The Seven Samurai".

First of all you don't need to be a fan of westerns to like this film! That is an important point to make.
I want to sing the praises of this film because I think it's got all the important ingredients to make a brilliant classic film.

Let's start with the cast, how can you go wrong with

  • Yul Brinner
  • Steve McQueen
  • Horst Buchholz
  • Charles Bronson
  • Robert Vaughan
  • James Coburn
  • Brad Dexter
They're already a magnificent seven, such classy actors, the director must have thought he'd struck gold with these guys.

Then there's the plot, okay I won't spoil anything, but basically a mexican farming village is under threat from a rebel bandit type who keeps stealing all their food. When they decide they've had enough, The magnificent Seven are called in to help protect the village.
Each "Cowboy" has there own back story and their own reason for joining the seven.

The Direction is superb, timing and coreographing is perfected. The build up of tension and the "Edge of you seat" factor in this film is superbly created. The director manages to make you feel compassion and empathy to all of these people who originally appear to be hardened gun men. The difference is they are willing to help, there is good inside.

This is a story of compassion, family, gratitude and justice. (There's even a very small romance cameo plot!) It could warm your heart a thousand times.

That's All Folks


Friday 24 May 2013

Never Work with Children or Animals...

Hi Film Fans,

Today I'm going to put this "Never work with Children" thing to rest. Obviously it's tongue in cheek and children being children are going to cause a few problems, but today I present to you some of the most talented and not forgetting cutest - child actors in Hollywood (within the last 30 years).

So in no particular order here goes...

1. Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning - potentially one of the most talented child actors in modern Hollywood. When you watch her act as a child, it's almost too believable. She is probably best known for acting in War of the Worlds in which she is very good, it's said that she still keeps in touch with Tom Cruise. I think it's the maturity that she had at the age of 11 that makes you almost forget she's just a naive kid. Now 19 she is still acting and still very professional, although now it's more sexy than cute.

Film Recommendation: Trapped - also starring Charlize Theron and Kevin Bacon.

2. Haley Joel Osment

Haley Joel Osment is mostly known as the little boy who sees dead people (sixth sense - in case you hadn't guessed), but he is also known for a variety of films and TV appearances as a cute chubby cheeked kid. Once again you can't fault his acting particularly in the film AI - I mean how can a kid act as a robot so realistically... Now 25 and looking a lot different to that butter-wouldn't-melt cutie pie, he is still in the film business but mainly sticks to voice overs.

Film Recommendation: Pay It Forward - also starring Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt.

3. Bailee Madison
Bailee Madison a very talented and potentially annoying child actress. by this i mean no offence, it's just that she's so good it's almost irritating. Alas I must control my irritation admit that this 13 year old girl is a very talented and very mature actress - with a long career ahead of her. One of her well known films is Bridge to Terabithia and although particularly young in this film you can tell she's going far. She's only 13 now, which is nice to know as the previous two seem to have grown up without us realising, she's still acting and is currently in the process of filming a new release.

Film Recommendation: Just Go With It - also starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler.

4.Macaulay Culkin

Macaulay Culkin, that little kid who was "forgotten" by his parents and had to fend off burglars
and keep his household safe. Played out like a true kid having the time off his life, despite the dangerous burglars bit - of course there is an element of fun in this film and it shows Culkin's true talent to act like a child acting like an adult. Now he is a whopping 32 - not old in general but a lot older than the picture in your head - it is rumoured that he has had problems with drugs and now is a chain smoker. Not the professional and successful star you'd have expected from such a good beginning in Hollywood.
Film Recommendation: Richie Rich - also starring Edward Herrmann &(for a small cameo) Claudia Schiffer.

5. Ellen Hamilton Latzen

Ellen Hamilton Latzen's childhood career lasted from 1987 to 1997 - but the most famous film role she had would have to be playing Michael Douglas' daughter in Fatal Attraction. She is so talented, not to mention so cute in this film it's comparable to Douglas and Close's performances in relativity to the fact that she was only 7 years old. She was so cute in that film it actually broke my heart a little - when she cried I cried. Unfortunately for us film fans she retired from acting at the age of 15 and she is now happily married and after pursuing her education she is an account executive. Apparently she's quite happy to be a "has-been".

Film Recommendation: Fatal Attraction - also starring Michael Douglas and Glenn Close (I know it's an obvious one but it's a classic!)

6. Justin Cooper

I'm not really sure how well known Justin cooper is, but his most famous film must be "Dennis the Menace Strikes again" - Another one that is so cute it basically breaks my heart, the little boy and his love for his next door neighbour. Very talented and nominated for a TV award at a young age - who wouldn't want to work with this kid?! Apparently in his spare time he enjoys karate and he also has a huge Elvis Presley collection.
His last acting role was in a TV show in 2003.

Film Recommendation: Dennis the Menace strikes again - if you haven't seen it watch it just for the cute kid.

7. Mara Wilson

Probably known mostly as the clever little girl from Matilda with cool powers we all wish(ed) we had. A very good actress and a clear talent. Her cutest role has to be as Robin William's daughter in Mrs Doubtfire. The children are a very important part of this film, as you will know if you've seen it. Of course there has to be a token innocent child that's not exactly sure what's going on and says exactly what she thinks. The comedic timing is brilliant, whether it's pure childlike innocence or very mature, impressive acting the performance is definitely a great portrayal of the character. Now 25 years old she has said she won't be returning to screen but prefers to focus on writing, she writes a blog and has written several theatre scripts.

Film Recommendation: Mrs Doubtfire (of course) - also starring Robin Williams and Sally Field

8. Alex D. Linz
Well, I know this child from two films, home alone 3 and One Fine Day. Home alone 3 is a film I'm not particularly fond of and probably wouldn't recommend, nonetheless if nothing else was on TV, and I was feeling particularly lazy, I would probably use it as an excuse to keep the remote control! Whereas One Fine Day, well of course I like that one - it's got a love story in it plus two adorable children. Little Sammy is so cute, when I watch home alone I forget that it's the same child. The character is definitely his and it's another heart melting performance.
Film Recommendation: One Fine Day - also starring George Clooney *swoon* and Michelle Pfeiffer

9. Drew Barrymore

So of course she's known very much as an adult actress in her own right, but she started acting when she was 11 months old. Her breakthrough role was as Gerty in E.T: The Extra Terrestrial and let's face it she made hell of a good start to what she didn't know was going to be a full and successful Hollywood career. She plays the part well, she even cries and the death scene and you can't really make any complaints about little Drew Barrymore.

Film Recomendation E.T The Extra Terrestrial - It's her best childhood film!

10.Thomas Sangster

Not a name you might recognise instantly, but nonetheless a very famous young actor. In Love Actually he plays the adorable lovestruck Sam, we follow his story as intently as all the other adult stories and he was highly commended and nominated for two awards for this role. Other films he starred in include Nanny Mc Phee and Nowhere Boy. Although in Nowhere boy he was nineteen he was playing the part of a young Paul McCartney, younger than his own age. A very good performance also. He is still acting now and at the age of 23 has had and will most probably continue to have a very successful acting career.

Film Recomendation: Nowhere Boy - also starring Aaron Johnson and Kristin Scott Thomas. (okay I cheated a bit with that one he was nineteen, but it's such a good film!)

So that's it for now, never work with children? I suppose it depends who they are and who you are, but I don't think any of the above mentioned caused much trouble for their co stars. In fact I'm sure most of them are honoured to have worked with such young up coming stars.

That's all Folks


Monday 20 May 2013

The Wedding Date Vs What Happens In Vegas...

Hey there film fans...

So yesterday I did the laziest thing and watched two RomComs in a row. Literally back to back...
As you may have guessed the first was The Wedding Date and the second was What Happens in Vegas.
So I thought I'd do something a bit different and compare them.

1. Male Protagonist: Dermot Mulroney Vs Ashton Kutcher
It's a toughie... As actors both are pretty talented, yet pretty typecast. Although in the Wedding Date Dermot Mulroney actually manages to avoid his awkward man in an important business suit character and has a little fun with this part. So in this film Mulroney plays a male escort, not just a "hooker" as he refers to himself during the film, but he actually "escorts" ladies/women to their respective events that they feel they cannot face alone. Mulroney's character (Nick) is a cool and collected kind of guy, but you can tell he cares. What makes this character attractive is that he is the one man in all the world that understands women and why they act the way they do. He is definitely a 7/10 as good guys go, not quite as hunky as Kutcher, but his body is quite satisfactory, as I'm sure Debra Messing (his co star) would agree. Also it might just be me but I like a little bit of hair on a mans chest... it's more manly, Ashton Kutcher although he has a small amount of hair is almost too perfected. So anyway onto Kutchers performance as an actor. He plays the part very well and when his character is given the twist of actually having a soft, sensitive side you have to give credit where credit is due and say you just want to melt into his puppy dog eyes. He does manage to play the obnoxious bachelor bit a tad too well though, which leads me to wonder is he just sooo used to playing these parts, because of his playboy good looks, or is he just playing himself? Either way, you are not drawn in by his character as with Mulroney's, but he certainly wins you over in the end and definitely gets an 8/10 for his "nice guy". He only scores one more point than Mulroney because he turns himself from an absolute Tw*t into a guy you could definitely bring home to your mum. Whereas Nick (Mulroney) still has this cool air as if he's been through it all before and he's just going through the motions, maybe it's the script rather than the actors that just pip this one. Overall a tough competition.

2. Female Protagonist: Debra Messing Vs Cameron Diaz
The problem here is that I've only ever really seen Debra Messing's acting ability in this film (I know I haven't seen a single episode of Will and Grace! Shock!), also I love Cameron Diaz so I'm bound to be a bit bias, but I'll try my best to be fair...
Both incredibly attractive women, in very different ways, but very well cast for the parts they play. Messing's character is a little neurotic and the little one liners are delivered perfectly by Messing. The problem with Messing's Character - and this is no fault of her own - is that she is written in such a co dependant way that you feel mostly sympathy and part "pull yourself together women!", you never really "root" for her, although obviously you are rooting for her to get with Mulroney's character. You kind of feel like she needs to stick up for herself sooner. Diaz's Character Joy is quite the contrary and although you get a similar sort of feeling, when she's always trying to live up to someone else's ideal, you also have her back the whole way against Kutchers character (or is that just me, because I'm female?). Then when Kutcher finally changes his ways you're devastated to find a mistake he made when he was a -excuse my language- Tw*t comes back to haunt her. I believe that it's the writing more than the acting ability but in The Wedding Date I'm backing Mulroney's character to turn Messing's Character into a slightly less neurotic able-to-love-again woman, whereas in What Happens In Vegas - I'm behind Joy (Diaz) all the way backing her in her fight against getting over Mason whilst struggling to be married to Jack (Kutcher). You're also backing her when she starts to fall for him as you realise they do belong together etc. (trying to avoid too many clichés!) So overall, purely down to the way the character is written Diaz is my winner. (Well I did warn you about that!)

3. Storyline
Interesting, obviously most people can relate to feeling the pressure to turn up to a party etc. with a date, particularly if you've been to prom - so The Wedding Date definitely has that on its side, as opposed to What Happens in Vegas - which I'm sure some, but much less, can relate to.
Without wanting to sound negative, the problem with the Wedding Date is, it all happens too fast and jerky, there's never a smooth bit. For me there is too much going on at the end, when the build up is relatively slow. The problem is we know they're going to get together - It's a RomCom for goodness sake, it's just that when it happens, she's drunk and he's initially just doing what he's being paid to do - So it's kind of anti climactic.
Whereas with What Happens in Vegas, for me the turning point happens twice. Once when Joy realises she's falling for him when she sees him with all the children and then a second time when Jack basically owns up to falling for her by making a little speech at her work party and asking her for their first dance. The latter moment being a brilliant moment in a RomCom where just as it's all going right, you think "oh no He's going to ruin it!" - and then he goes and does something wonderfully romantic like that. Again What Happens In Vegas Just about wins here.

4. The Comedy
Okay so many people (particularly men) think that RomComs are silly romantic clichés that women like to watch to satisfy some sort of Prince Charming fantasy - Wrong! If it's all Rom and no Com it's not a RomCom it's a "Chic Flic" and if you don't want a lovey dovey happy, albeit predictable Hollywood ending... don't watch a "Chic Flic". Now that's cleared up we can discuss the Comedy side of these films. Yes the films are still a little chliché and yes they do have a happy ending, but the comedy makes the predictability much more bearable to the Romancephobes out there. I'm a sucker for a happy ending in love anyway, but if I'm watching a film and it's classified as a RomCom I'm expecting to laugh out loud at least once. This is where The Wedding Date let me down slightly, I smiled appreciatively at many of the one liners and character "Faux Pas" but nothing really made me giggle, so it's not a film you can say to your boyfriend "hey its romCOM, you'll like the funny bits" when he complains that you're making him watch yet another "Girly Film". Whereas What Happens in Vegas definitely is. It has more than the edge in this competition and made me chuckle more than once. The point in the comedy element is to make it more lighthearted whilst you struggle with the characters through their trials and tribulations and I feel What Happens in Vegas has a good balance without making the film too silly and far fetched.

Overall if you're looking for a good film to watch with your girlfriends, boyfriends or even family What Happens in Vegas is definitely the better choice here, don't get me wrong the wedding date is a good film for people like me who thrive on the happy ending where the kiss finally happens and the whole reason you watch the film - to see the couple finally get together - comes to a head. But What Happens in Vegas is much more universal and overall in my opinion - a better script and screen play.

That's All Folks...


Disclaimer: In this blog copyright/plagerism is unintended - the content is original. Please note that this is just a fun blog and these are only opinions - no harm or offence is meant.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

Hey Film Fans,

Today I've decided to put together a little Actress Look-a-Likes post - I know what you're thinking, Cliché
 right? That's why I've decided to put my own little twist in... I'm going to make a chain of Look-A-Likes.

Have you ever played the game "Word Association", where you have to make a chain of words by linking to the word before. Well this is an "Actress" Association version...

1. Keira Knightley - Natalie Portman

Not even sure that this is the best picture to represent this, but these two are dead ringers...

 2.Natalie Portman - Winona Ryder


I get the feeling that these two and Keira Knightley were triplets separated at birth...

3. Winona Ryder - Anne Hathaway

Okay so maybe the haircut helps here, but it defines their high cheek bones and brown eyes... they could easily be cast as sisters...

4. Anne Hathaway - Jennifer Garner

Right so not as facially alike as the previous matches, but when you look closely you can notice a similar shaped nose, which the previous actresses don't have and also the pale lipped half smile - with the perfect teeth...

5. Jennifer Garner- Rachel McAdams

Rachel McAdams (left) is well known for her role as Regina George in "Mean Girls" but now that she's adopted a mature brunette crop I can't help noticing she's started to look rather like Jennifer Garner...

6. Rachel McAdams - Katherine Heigl

Again, the hair does make a difference with these two blonde bombshells, but they've both got a kind of pretty soft face with a friendly but ever-so-slightly mysterious smile...

7. Katherine Heigl - Ashley Judd

So this may be incredibly dependant on the hair, but after careful facial studying I've decided that, these two definitely have something similar.

8. Ashley Judd - Catherine Zeta Jones

Both very graceful, girl next door faces... naturally this is before Ashley Judd had Cosmetic surgery which caused her face to look much more puffy and much less "Cheek Bones"...

9. Catherine Zeta Jones - Natalie Wood

It's probably a simple classical look that makes these two so similar, natural beauty...

10. Natalie Wood - Mila Kunis

Not necessarily two people you would initially put together, but both with pretty eyes and similar facial shape, as opposed to the picture before a less classical look...

11. Mila Kunis - Vanessa Hudgens

A sort of Chubby cheeked- young look matches these two, with their young genes and flowing brown curly hair...

12.Vanessa Hudgens - America Ferrera

So this is definitely one of those "from certain angles" look a likes, but angles is what Hollywood is all about right?

So there you have it, facially you can get from Keira Knightly to America Ferrera in twelve moves. Whether it's the hair fashions or the airbrushing that makes all these stars look alike, one thing's for sure in Hollywood every one of these actresses have a look the cameras love, even if their celeb twins wear it better. I guess the question is - Who is the fairest of them all?

That's All Folks


Disclaimer: In this blog copyright/plagerism is unintended - the content is original. Please note that this is just a fun blog and these are only opinions - no harm or offence is meant.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Goodness Gracious - Great Balls Of Fire!

Hi Guys ☺

So yesterday me and my mum did our occasional evening ritual of getting a bottle of wine out of the fridge, settling down on the sofa and putting on a good film. We decided to watch "Great Balls Of Fire" the Jerry Lee Lewis life story.

Okay so you may have to be a fan of Rock n Roll or at least a music(al) fan to enjoy this film, but I'd say it was worth watching either way. Being a fan of Rock n Roll myself I really appreciate this film. I knew bits and pieces of the story before I had watched it, but it certainly didn't ruin it.

Direction was very good and Jerry Lee and his family must have had a good influence on this film, because it seemed very accurate and within the boundaries that would be allowed by such a star. Dennis Quaid... not the person I would immediately think of when I think of someone that could play the arrogant, yet lovable and overexcited Jerry Lee. However what a performance, for anyone who knows about the famous lively, almost over grown child that Jerry Lee was on stage, this performance couldn't give more justice. My first experience of Dennis Quaid was as a slightly older man playing the Dad in the re make of the film "Parent Trap" (starring Lyndsay Lohan). Despite him playing the part well, I got the impression that he was a type cast rugged good looking dad type actor... that was until yesterday. He portrayed every part of Jerry Lee's "wild" personality and made the audience love his character, empathise with his character and ultimately back this character in all of the challenges he faces. Very good casting.

Next Winona Ryder, well I was impressed with her too. When I see Winona Ryder in films I spend a lot of time staring at her face and wondering how it's possible that she looks so much like Natalie Portman, who in turn looks like Keira Knightly - Triplets separated at birth? Anyway I digress. Ryder plays Jerry Lee's young second cousin "twice removed", as she states in the film. For those of you who don't know, Jerry Lee married this girl when she was 13 and naturally certain States in the USA and most of England/UK had something to say about it. Despite the fact that Ryder was 18 when she played this part, she portrays the innocent 13 year old perfectly, knowing what she wants and knowing that she loves Jerry Lee and yet, being young and naive, too young perhaps to be a wife? A good scene that perfectly depicts the age difference and yet the obvious love between the two, is the scene where Quaid comes in and finds Ryder crying on the floor of the kitchen, whilst smoke billows from the oven area. This scene is perfectly directed and shows the issues the real couple had together. Myra (Ryder) is crying and she looks at Jerry (Quaid) and says "I'm only 13, I don't know how to be a wife" and on that note Jerry picks her up and scoops her into his arms and says that not-so-famous line "you're all woman to Jerry Lee". This is a wonderful scene as you know the two really love each other despite the age gap, the judging public and the trials they face(d).

To sum up I thought this was a film worth watching, again perhaps only if you're a fan/interested in that sort of biographical film. But despite the film being an apparent "box office flop" I would definitely recommend it.
I'd give it 3 Stars at least...

That's All Folks...


Quaid as Jerry Lee Lewis

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Oblivion - Film Review

Hi Guys,

So today I'm going to attempt to review a film for you all - SPOILER ALERT I will give away a few important details so if you haven't seen it yet you may just want to risk it without reviewing first...

A couple of weeks ago I went to see Tom Cruise's new film Oblivion. I must say after watching the trailer I wasn't one hundred percent sure of what to expect, but when I sat down to watch the film my apprehension left me and I settled down with my popcorn.

The opening of the film is fairly good, it sets the story up well and having Cruise's voice over uses the traditional narrative character to give you a personal connection with this character, as well as instantly introducing to us the Male Protagonist. I thought the flashbacks were used very effectively and the direction was as good as it could be.

However, I wasn't particularly impressed with this film, despite the praise I've just given. The opening promised and exciting action packed sci fi where Tom Cruise basically salvages whats left of earth - we assume he will save earth and let all the humans return. This is where I initially thought the film would take me. Perhaps that was a bit presumptuous of me to expect a predictable sci fi where the hero beats the aliens to save earth - but I think I would have preferred them to stick with the predictable. The film seemed to me to twist and turn and never really get a story going.
I felt that I never really knew whose side to be on and there were too many small twists, making the big twist less effective. As mentioned before, despite the slightly thin script and storyline, the director does a good job of making sure you are always asking questions and want to know more - there are also no big directing mistakes, which naturally helps keep the film on track and keeps your mind where it should be.

Cruise's performance is again as good as it can be - the part is played well and the scene where the character meets himself is well arranged and choreographed. In this film you really do sympathise with Cruise's character especially when you realise that he was a human with a "wife" and a normal life on earth before the "big invasion" and it is one of the high points of the film that you can actually sympathise and almost feel empathy for this character.

The problem with the film was the ending left me asking more questions than it answered, and I didn't feel satisfied with the "Happy Ever After". Don't get me wrong, I understand that not all films end with perfect and typical Hollywood endings, but for me the Female protagonist should have just been happy and content that she; 1. has a child by the man she loved and 2. that he sacrificed himself for her. This is a typical Hollywood sacrifice, making the man the ultimate hero - not dying in vain and being preserved as a memory. When the clone of Cruise's character is introduced it is not only an interesting twist, but it's also essential to the ultimately confusing storyline, however I don't believe there is a need to reintroduce this character at the end. There is also a cameo by Morgan Freeman, which is only a very small part - this is an obvious ploy to get Freeman Fans to see the film, include a few big stars and the film is most likely going to get more views - is this a sign that the producers/director don't have much faith in this storyline?

Overall the film is not a bad evening out if you're stuck in doing nothing anyway, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, particularly if you are a sci fi fan. The story is rather thin and I felt that even when twists and information was revealed to the audience, I still didn't understand completely what was going on.

Well, that was my first film review so don't be too harsh! Please! ☺

That's All Folks...


Cruise begins to realise that nothing he believes is real...

Disclaimer: In this blog copyright/plagerism is unintended - the content is original. Please note that this is just a fun blog and these are only opinions - no harm or offence is meant.